Monday, August 10, 2009

Tahoe Camp Meeting

Just got back from Tahoe Camp Meeting and let me tell you it was one of the best experiences i've ever had. We had a really really good preacher up there named Lee Venden if you ever get the opportunity check him out for sure! He broke down the 3 angels messages in Revelation 14 in a whole new light, helping me, and others, to point the finger at self instead of each other or certain religious groups. Yes the symbolisms in the passage still mean the same things they always have, but it helps to make sure that we dont focus so much on looking out for them that we forget our own tendency to lean on self. We must make sure that we dont try to save ourselves. I dont know if you get what im saying, but simply put if we dont have a TRUE CLOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS we are trying to save ourselves. Whether it is by our "good deeds" (check out Isaiah 64:6 for the bibles opinion on those) or thinking we can "earn" salvation in some other way, we are leaning on self. Jesus has said in John 14:6 "I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father BUT BY ME". There is no other way. We need to spend time with Jesus DAILY or our relationship cannot grow; we WILL NOT be saved if we don't have Christ. Even if we have knowledge about everything and live a "good" life, we wont make it unless we have a close connection with Christ, Any way Lee really brought out the Jesus I know, and helped me grasp Him soooo well. Everything he said reminded me of my Jesus :) and really helped me know for sure that He loves me. Not just the idea of Him loving me, but actually really feeling it and knowing for certain that NOTHING can separate me from His love. It is so good to know this Jesus! So often we get caught up in our presumptions about Him that we forget He is an alive, present, near being that cares so deeply about each and every one of us. The picture of Christ has been so twisted that we hardly know Him anymore. But His spirit was so close with me up there in tahoe; my advice for all of you is to take time in nature to SLOW DOWN and think about Christ and all that He has done. There is no way that Christ could have gone through what He went through, taken the abuse from His creation, and died, (A PART OF GOD DIED, think about that concept CRAZY) if He didnt love us. Satan has tried to twist this image for people to see Him as a tyrant, an arbirtrary God, but He is not so! GOD IS LOVE (1 John 4:8) Why is it so hard for us to grasp this? You must spend time in the Bible if you want to get the real picture of God and who He truly is. You won't find Him any other way. Don't let the things of this world keep you from knowing Christ. He is the best Thing in the whole world, and He has truly given me life more abundantly. Take time with Him every day slowing down and remembering Who He is. I love knowing CHrist! having Him near is the best thing anyone could ever have, and if you would honestly just take time to find Him, He will be found of you. He wants you to be TRULY close with Him more than you want to be. And i said TRULY close. That means not just going on your way doing whatever you want, cussing, talking behind peoples back, making crude jokes, etc. and claiming you have Christ. Those who are God's sons and daughters take up His nature. A calm, loving, patient, kind nature. (Galatians 5:22) These fruits are the fruits of Christs true spirit. "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but HE THAT DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN" - MATTHEW 7:20,21 Find Christ. Make Him the One who guides EVERYTHING you do. Make Him part of every aspect of your life, and you will find true peace, and He will then change your ways to be more like His. We cannot do this. We cannot make these changes on our own. It is not natural for a man to have enmity against Satan. But God transforms us into new creatures by changing the way we think. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, the old things are passed away, behold all things are become new" - 2 Corinthians 5:17. HE DOES ALL THE WORK. Not us, we are far too weak. But the only way He can do this is if we have a true, strong relationship with Him. Any way, just hopefully you will check this out for yourself and believe what i say. Check the word of God, for this is where you will find Christ and His amazing love for us. Look at your life and how far you've come (or how far you've fallen for that matter) and get back with Christ today. Go to Him, just as you are and ask forgiveness for your sins, and He will take you in and transform you. Spend time with Him everyday, that you may become one of His dearly beloved children, saved by grace, growing closer to Him everyday. Beloved, heaven begins as soon as you take hold of Jesus............

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

HISTORICAL - How the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday

Hey this is just a real quick post, just wanted to post the video i was talkin about in the post from a few days ago. Let me tell you, this is strictly HISTORICAL so even if you have doubts about the Bible or what i have said, this video is based on FACT. You can look it up for yourself. This will hopefully clearly and easily explain to you how the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday. Anyway hope this helps and enjoy :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Whose Side Will You Be On?

Hey sorry i havent posted in a few days, just trying to give this a lil break. Anyway this post is kind of long, but be patient and read all of it. Like i said i will get into more detail later on some of the things mentioned, but just take what you can. Also if you dont believe anything i say, look at Scripture; dont base your opinion on what i say, check out the scripture for yourself. 

The governments of our world are taking over and you dont even know it. This is somewhat part 1 to what my further demonstration of what Revelation 13 will be about, but i've just been thinking about it and want to get it out there. Daniel 7:23 "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and break it in pieces" -- Beast represents kingdom, or nation, or power. Revelation 13 speaks of a beast  (or the Vatican) and the image of a beast (v. 11,v.14,15) (or the United States) Now i know you probably dont believe me or understand me, but we'll get into this later.... Ancient Papal Rome was a combination of church and state; a power that ruled over the world. The papacy is going to regain this power; his "deadly wound" is almost healed.
 “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”   Revelation 13:3.

 The deadly wound to this Papal beast was given to it in 1798, when Napoleon sent his general, Berthier, into Rome to remove the pope from power and throw him into prison. He died in captivity and it seemed for a brief time that the papacy was dead forever. The original wording for ‘wounded’ actual means ‘killed’—it was ‘killed to death’.

It is very interesting that the order to remove the pope was given more than a year before 1798, but, somehow, it didn’t get done until 1798. We know why, don’t we? Because the prophecies said he would rule for 1260 years, not 1259! God’s word never fails!

As soon as another pope was placed on the throne, this power began to work to ‘heal its deadly wound’. The text says it WILL be healed. What has to happen before the wound is healed? Well, first we have to look at what ended at the end of the 1260 years. The Roman church did not cease to exist, and shortly a new pope was elected; was the wound healed then?

No, it wasn’t; you see, the Beast power is a combination of church AND government. It is when the church has full control to use the government to force people to obey it and to persecute dissenters. After 1798 the Roman church continued as a church, but it no longer had power to rule the governments and force them to work for it. It is trying to get this power back—and it is getting very close to it!

All the world will wonder after the Beast! Do you see people all excited whenever the Pope comes to visit? Do you see people, even non-Catholics, admiring him? When we try to show the world what this Power is intending to do—people get mad at us; the world is ‘wondering after him’.  - Remnant =>

 The world is subconsciously worshipping the beast! The pope claims to have power to forgive sins, but who can do this but CHRIST ALONE? Anyway, the event that took place July 7,2009, the writing of the encyclical to Obama to start this new world order, to "solve" this economical crisis, is the beginning of giving this "image of the beast"  its power (v.15)  Eventually folks, the US and Rome will  become friends and persecute ALL that do not worship them. They believe that the crisis we are in, is because of the evil, the lack of unity of the religions of this day, and they will try to conform all into ONE religion, but simply this religion will not be based on TRUTH. By obeying the false Sabbath (Sunday) and not the true Sabbath (Saturday) we will be worshipping the beast. We cannot receive the seal of God, when worshipping this false beast.

The seal of the living God is placed upon those who conscientiously keep the Sabbath of the Lord.--7BC 980 (1897).[1. THIS STATEMENT AND OTHERS LIKE IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD IN THE LIGHT OF PASSAGES QUOTED EARLIER IN THE CHAPTER, INDICATING THAT GOD HOLDS PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE ONLY FOR THE KNOWLEDGE THEY HAVE OR WHICH THEY COULD OBTAIN.] Those who would have the seal of God in their foreheads must keep the Sabbath of the fourth commandment.--7BC 970 (1899). True observance of the Sabbath is the sign of loyalty to God.--7BC 981(Last Day Events pg. 220)
(P.S. -- I will post a video soon by The Forerunner that gives an excellent rundown of how the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday) "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shall not do any work. Thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them is, and rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and made it holy. "(Exodus 20:8-11).... "If ye love me keep my commandments." (John 14:15).... "Yea are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." (John 15:14)  If we keep some of the commandments? 9 of the commandments? NO ALL OF THE COMMANDMENTS. "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all" (James 2:10)  Will you be able to stand when persecuted for your faith? Will you be able to resist the government when they threaten to KILL you if you dont listen to their ways? Or will you succumb to the power and deception of the governments' highly organized systems RUN BY DEMONS? Yes you heard me right. Dont believe it? Check Ephesians 6:12 - "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world AGAINST SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES." This wickedness, this darkness in high places is run by none other than Satans most elect, most cunning, most crafty, most educated demons! We must be warned. This is Satans final chance of deceiving us away from the TRUTH and LOVE of Christ. I know this all sounds crazy, and you may not believe me, but read revelation 13 for yourself with the help of this "symbolism chart" (all of these things are based on Scripture to be proven true) Anyways i dont mean to scare or confuse any of you in any way, but this is business. When we truly accept Christ He will do the work for us, because on our own strength THERE IS NO WAY we would be able to make it through this conflict. We must pursue such a close connection with Christ, put as many scriptures into memory as possible or we will not be able to stand. This scheme satan is running is backed by deception. Jesus Himself has warned us, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, THEY SHALL DECEIVE THE VERY ELECT" (Matthew 24:24) Our only protection is Jesus and His Word. Anyway this does it for now, like i said, i will get more in-depth and explain more of this very soon. We must pray, get our houses in order, and WAKE UP OUT OF OUR SLEEP: "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light" (Romans 13:11,12)   

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Generation of Youth For Christ

Hey this is the Generation of Youth For Christ Promo Video and it is really good; This is a great way for our youth of today to figure out what God has planned for them in relation to the times we live in, as well as figuring out to seperate themselves from the world. There are tons of links and resources that are really useful to help you figure out more about Christ and Seventh-Day Adventism. So check it out and Enjoy! Also here is a link to their site for more info
(I'll aslo have this link on the "important links to follow section on the right :) )

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Time To Get Down To Business

I've been thinkin lately about the blog and what is on it, and i've decided i need to get ALOT more serious and in depth. So coming up, (i know i've been talkin about it alot) but im really going to dig deep through Revelation and Daniel. I want to learn as much as i can, so in some aspects you guys will be learning with me. So starting tomorrow, Im going to be giving a rundown of Revelation the first chapter. I need to get this blog more serious instead of just going through. God is Love, we must not forget. Christ is the source of our salvation, this is our hope. But there is also a warning to be given, and by God's grace Im going to try to give it the best i can. Bear with me as i try to present this; im trying to get more videos up, but my youtube account is kind of messed up. Anyway. Stay Tuned, cause this is business. So continue to pray and get away from the "wine"  (doctrine; Luke 5:37) of this world that is making us MAD Jeremiah 51:7; get away from the clothes, the money, the lust, the power, the success, the worries of this life! If you choose to stay bound to them you WILL be choosing satans side. That is why you may not feel enthusiastic about reading your Bible or praying anymore; CAUSE YOU ARE TOO CAUGHT UP, TOO DRUNK OF THE WINE OF BABYLON TO CARE ABOUT PURSUING GODLINESS.  God has warned us "And i heard another voice from heaven saying, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE THAT YE BE NOT PARTAKERS OF HER SINS" (revelation 18:4) There is no excuse for it. By drinking this wine you will be snatched away from the "light" you claim to be walking in and will fall into darkness. Pray and keep watch for the hour of His coming draweth nigh.............