I've been thinkin lately about the blog and what is on it, and i've decided i need to get ALOT more serious and in depth. So coming up, (i know i've been talkin about it alot) but im really going to dig deep through Revelation and Daniel. I want to learn as much as i can, so in some aspects you guys will be learning with me. So starting tomorrow, Im going to be giving a rundown of Revelation the first chapter. I need to get this blog more serious instead of just going through. God is Love, we must not forget. Christ is the source of our salvation, this is our hope. But there is also a warning to be given, and by God's grace Im going to try to give it the best i can. Bear with me as i try to present this; im trying to get more videos up, but my youtube account is kind of messed up. Anyway. Stay Tuned, cause this is business. So continue to pray and get away from the "wine" (doctrine; Luke 5:37) of this world that is making us MAD Jeremiah 51:7; get away from the clothes, the money, the lust, the power, the success, the worries of this life! If you choose to stay bound to them you WILL be choosing satans side. That is why you may not feel enthusiastic about reading your Bible or praying anymore; CAUSE YOU ARE TOO CAUGHT UP, TOO DRUNK OF THE WINE OF BABYLON TO CARE ABOUT PURSUING GODLINESS. God has warned us "And i heard another voice from heaven saying, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE THAT YE BE NOT PARTAKERS OF HER SINS" (revelation 18:4) There is no excuse for it. By drinking this wine you will be snatched away from the "light" you claim to be walking in and will fall into darkness. Pray and keep watch for the hour of His coming draweth nigh.............
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