Sunday, July 19, 2009

Intro #1

Hey what up this is just an introduction to what this blog is about and what it will continue to be about, CHRIST. The times we live in are Crazy, we must, and i mean must, awake out of this "sleep" we have been in. Im Going to be posting many things to hopefully set you straight, including links that will lead you to the Truth. Christ has stated "I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No man cometh to the Father but by Me." - John 14:6 - - - - So Im here to set it straight, Christ is the ONLY way to get to heaven, no if ands or buts. Not by works, not by thoughts, not by feelings, not perceptions, ONLY BY CHRISTS DEATH ARE WE SAVED LETS GET IT RIGHT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE

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